Celebrating World Landscape Architecture Month

What is World Landscape Architecture Month?

April is World Landscape Architecture Month (WLAM). Established by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), WLAM is a month-long international celebration of landscape architecture and designed public and private spaces. “People and communities around the world have deep, long-standing personal connections to the spaces landscape architects create – they’re just not aware of it. During WLAM, ASLA and landscape architects around the world aim to demonstrate that connection by highlighting landscape architect-designed spaces.”

How Does Omni Ecosystems Celebrate WLAM?

ASLA’s core vision statement of “healthy, beautiful, and resilient places for all” is mirrored by Omni’s commitment to the integration of science and design to improve resiliency in the built world and empower healthier happier humans. Omni Workshop’s team of landscape architects are the designers who bring that vision to life. Throughout the month of April we will be highlighting individual members of the Workshop team and what landscape architecture means to them personally.

Photo Credit: Anton Grassl, Anton Grassl Architectural Photography


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