2020 in Review

When the pandemic began in March of this year, Omni was uncertain as to what was next, just like the rest of the world. The uncertainty has lingered through the final weeks of 2020, but one thing remains certain — our commitment to taking care of our team first, and ensuring that our business model remains strong.

 Omni recognizes that we were very lucky to have been one of the small businesses approved for a PPP loan from the Small Business Administration in April, and we are incredibly grateful for those resources. We strategically coupled PPP funds with other non-employee-related budget changes to keep staff fully employed and compensated by way of cutting expenses and diversifying our revenue streams. 

 These efforts enabled Omni to successfully make it through 2020 without laying off or furloughing any staff members, or cutting any salaries — a fact we are proud to state. In addition to PPP relief, an SBA 504 loan and City of Chicago SBIF grant enabled us to complete construction of our new headquarters in Bronzeville. The tides of both the construction and design industries fluctuated throughout the year, but both the Omni Construction and Omni Workshop teams continued to work diligently throughout the pandemic. 

 In July, SBA Administrator and Cabinet Member Jovinta Caranza visited Omni’s new headquarters. Her wonderful visit exemplifies how policy makers can proactively meet small business community members they represent, hearing their concerns, gathering ideas, and experiencing the energy and myriad benefits the small business generate.

 We know that the future looks uncertain for many of us. More than 221,000 PPP loans were approved in Illinois alone, and without additional federal government action, many small businesses will struggle even after the pandemic comes to an end.

 Omni prides itself on being an innovative company with a strong business model, and we are looking ahead to the post-pandemic future — one in which we hope to help spur policymakers and building owners to make changes that prioritize the environment. If one thing has become apparent in 2020, it's that our mission to restore balance in the built world is more vital now than ever.


Omni Celebrates Milestone with New HQ in Bronzeville


Omni’s Founder & CEO, Molly Meyer to Speak at Cities Alive Virtual 2020